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The Big Picture: Direct Composite For The Complex Case [March 2023]
Rotondo Clinic, Level 3 and 4 106 Edward Street, Brisbane City, QLD
Presenter: Dr Tony Rotondo
Course Overview
Outline: Discovering direct composite restorations through the eyes of a prosthodontist.
Lecture program: Didactic content will be spread throughout the three day program.
For most restorative dentists, composite resin materials serve to restore individual teeth to their original form. The materials’ exceptional aesthetic characteristics and tough physical properties, have made it the restorative dentists “right hand man”.
As the physical properties of the material and our confidence in them has increased, we have learn’t to apply them more globally, with a view to restoring more complex aesthetic deficiencies, lost tooth form and even entire occlusions ….this is the essence of this presentation and hands on experience.
To begin with we will review the micro-aesthetic and macro-aesthetic principles that guide modern restorative dentistry. These concepts will then be integrated with Christian Coachman’s Digital Smile Design concepts and applied to the management of complex aesthetic rehabilitations with composite resin. Cases will be presented in a step by step manner.
Management of interdisciplinary cases, especially those involving orthodontics will typically require the restorative management of young teeth with composite resin.
Managing this type of patient and case will be discussed. Many conditions can create problems of space appropriation, these include, micro-dontia, macro-dontia, cases requiring tooth substitution, cases involving loss of tooth volume due to attrition, abrasion and erosion. On many occasions the entire dentition is affected and co-ordinated treatment with an orthodontist is required. We will discuss this type of cases in a complete way, with specific reference to new concepts for managing space appropriation utilizing direct restorative materials.
Conventional full mouth rehabilitation will be discussed in a step by step manner, with a view to taking key steps and applying them to the use of direct materials for the complete restoration of worn dentitions and compromised occlusions.
Finally and perhaps most importantly, the limitations of these materials will be discussed with specific reference to their usefulness and longevity in managing very complex cases. Strategies for maximizing the prognosis of these materials in these challenging applications will be thoroughly discussed.
Course Summary
3 day hands on program:
Over 3 days participants will complete six anterior veneers the program will focused on the practical steps required to complete these procedures clinically.
Course description:
Intensive three day lecture and hands on program designed to teach participants to deliver direct life-like composite veneers.
Learning objectives:
– Shade analysis
– Using wax-ups and silicone keys to guide the restorative process.
– Layering poly chromatic composite restorations and the use of stains to create internal effects.
– Considerable time and effort will be placed on the important finishing and polishing procedures.
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