Rotondo Clinic, Level 3 & 4, 106 Edward Street, Brisbane

  • Presenter: Dr Tony Rotondo


    31 August, 2023


    1 September, 2023


    1 September, 2023

    Address: Edward Street, 106, Brisbane City, Queensland, 4000, Australia

  • Cost

    AUD $


    plus GST

    Course Summary

    Provisional restorations are the missing link between treatment planning and ultimately delivering on a

    Restorative management of the All on 4 patient is a certified MALO Education program. MALO Education offers training programs for dental professionals – dentists, lab technicians, oral hygienists and dental nurses in Australia and New Zealand. Our courses focus on the latest developments in concepts, technologies and products in oral rehabilitation with dental implants.

    At MALO Education, participants will follow real cases from the clinic’s daily work and a variety of clinical situations that reflect real life in a dental practice.

    MALO Education & Next SmileTM All-on-4® Centre is always at the forefront etc, with emphasis on the rehabilitation of total edentulous patients.

    To Register: Please email your interest to

    Register for this Course

    Please contact us to arrange your appointment